Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
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    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 1 -
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    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 3 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 4 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 5 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 7 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 8 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
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    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 1 -
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    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 6 -
    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 6 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 1 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 2 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 3 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 4 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 5 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 7 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin - 8 - Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01  Bandai Tamashii Nations

    Mazinger Z Dx 50th Anniversary Ver. 30 Cm Soul Of Chogokin Dx-01

    DISPONIBILE Spedizione Immediata
    787,00 €
    Prodotto Originale! Nuovo Sigillato! Spediamo dal Lunedi al Venerdi. Consegna in tutta Italia in 1-4 giorni lavorativi (no sabato e domenica)


    Mazinger Z 50th Anniversary Ver. Fig. 30 Cm Mazinger Z Dx Soul Of Chogokin

    Arriva la nuova edizione del Chogokin DX, pesantemente rivista per celebrare i 50 anni di MAZINGER Z!!

    La testa, le braccia e parte del petto sono interamente in metallo e completamente rinnovate.

    Sono stati apportati miglioramenti a livello di scultura ed engineering a varie parte, come Scrander, Ironcutters e il Jet Pilder

    Anche le caratteristiche luminose e sonore (Sono incluse le battute di Koji Kabuto e le musiche di Ichiro Mizuki) sono state riviste!

    Inoltre, i LED utilizzati nella precedente edizione sono stati sostituiti: il dissipatore di calore del petto ora è completamente illuminato con un’innovativa tecnica!

    Questo è davvero il definitivo DX Chogokin MAZINGER Z!

    [Contenuto del set]

    MAZINGER Z, Hover Pilder, Jet Pilder, Parti dell'armatura, Parti dell'armatura del modello a scomparsa, dissipatore di calore pettorale illuminanto (L/R),

    Armatura aperta con lanciamissili, Mani posizionabili (L/R), Mani meccaniche del modello (L/R), Armatura Ironcutter (L/R), Hangar MAZINGER Z,

    Jet Scrander, lancia Jet Scrander, telecomando, libretto di istruzioni e informazioni.

    batterie AAA necessarie 7x (vendute separatamente).

    A new edition of the DX Chogokin, heavily revised to celebrate 50 years of MAZINGER Z! The all-metal head, arms, and chest fins are totally new, bringing the figure even closer to anime style. Power-ups included from later in the series, such as the Jet Scrander, Ironcutters, and Jet Pilder also feature new sculpts. The light and sound features have been revised, too! Lines from Koji Kabuto and music by Ichiro Mizuki are included. And the LEDs used in the earlier edition have been replaced with fully illuminating chest fins! This is truly the ultimate DX Chogokin MAZINGER Z!

    Set Contents: MAZINGER Z, Hover Pilder, Jet Pilder, Armor parts, Cutaway model armor parts, Illuminating Breast Fire fins (L/R), Missile launcher open waist armor, Posable hands (L/R), Mechanical model hands (L/R), Ironcutter arm armor(L/R), MAZINGER Z hangar, Jet Scrander, Jet Scrander launcher, Remote control, Instruction & information bookle, Seven AAA batteries required. (Sold separately)

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