Il LANCELOT ALBION si aggiunge alla serie METAL BUILD DRAGON SCALE! Basato sul concetto di "tecnologia strutturale interna Tamashii" e "armatura esterna articolata", offre una posabilità completa che si adatta perfettamente al modello.
Le parti in diecast supportano la posabilità di tutto il corpo, mentre i riflessi oro e grigio perla accentuano le parti in bianco dando brilantezza alla figura, con parti traslucide che replicano il sistema Blaze Luminous.BROWN BOX SEALED: LANCELOT ALBION joins the METAL BUILD DRAGON SCALE series! Based on the twin concepts of "Tamashii internal structural technology" with "articulated external armor," it offers full posability that's a perfect fit for the supernaturally talented Knight of Zero, Suzaku Kururugi! Diecast parts support full-body posability, while gold and
pearl gray highlights accentuate the shining white body, with translucent parts replicating the Blaze Luminous system. It perfectly captures the appearance of this Knight of Zero Dedicated Knightmare. It cuts a gallant new Lancelot Albion form, inspired by METAL BUILD technology.
Set Contents: Main Body, Four left and five right optional hands, Energy Wings (L/R), Energy Wings (High Speed Mode) (L/R), Energy Wings (Stored) (L/R), MVS scabbards (L/R), MVS scabbards Deployment Frame, MVS hilts (long) x2, MVS hilts (short) x2, MVS blades (long) x2, MVS blades (short) x2, Blaze Luminous, Super VARIS x2, Super VARIS connector frame, Arm Slash Harken wires x2, Leg Slash Harken wires x2, Stand support, Stand